El Green Mall is a Berlin-based Green Marketplace matching sustainable brands with conscious consumers. To earn a spot in El Green Mall, each brand must meet at least three of these criteria: Slow Production, Planet Friendly Materials, Fair Supply Chain, Vegan & Cruelty-Free and Giving Back. El Green Mall are shining a light on exceptional sustainable brands that offer eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products.
El Green Mall is a Berlin-based Green Marketplace matching sustainable brands with conscious consumers. To earn a spot in El Green Mall, each brand must meet at least three of these criteria: Slow Production, Planet Friendly Materials, Fair Supply Chain, Vegan & Cruelty-Free and Giving Back. El Green Mall are shining a light on exceptional sustainable brands that offer eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products.
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Our app is your guide to a conscious lifestyle. Discover hundreds of certified conscious brands that are doing their part for the planet.
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